Monday, July 1, 2013

With all these pre-charged batteries, and i have found  different manufacturers out there now, i am very satisfied with its performance and there is no need for 1-time use alkaline batteries anymore.

Using my Lacrosee BC-700 battery charge/test function, the 4 "AAA" batteries performed as follows:

Battery 1 = 846 mAh
Battery 2 = 874 mAh
Battery 3 = 876 mAh
Battery 4 = 860 mAh

Straight from the box, the batteries show remaining voltages between 1.31 to 1.32 volts (see pic above). All packs more juice compared to its rated capacity of 800 mAh. Comparable to the capacities of Eneloops and Duracell.

I have been using pre-charged batteries for everything now, from toys, digital cameras, clocks, to remote controls.